Lost in Lampyrid Fog

Rating Star4.3 / 5(409 投票)
Feb 14, 2025
Oct 28, 2024


In the foggy ocean, you come across an isle. Once you arrive on the isle, use the Arrow Keys or WASD to move. Press J or Z to interact with objects - some of these objects will provide a text description that hints at what you need to do next while others can be used to solve a puzzle.

Once you have solved the first puzzle on the isle, you'll retrieve a lantern! The lantern will be placed in your inventory, which you can open by pressing SPACE. You will also receive a clue - a piece of paper that has instructions on how to get to the next isle. You can press X or K to view the clue.

When you have multiple clues to go through, press C or L to change the clue you want to focus on.

When you're ready to go to the next island, hop back onto your boat. Follow the directions of the clues you've collected so far and should you do it right, you'll arrive at the next island safely!

HINT: There are three special lamps to find. Can you figure out what they do?

在雾蒙蒙的海洋中,你遇到了一个小岛。到达小岛后,使用箭头键或 WASD 移动。按 J 或 Z 与物体互动 - 其中一些物体会提供文字描述,提示你下一步需要做什么,而其他物体则可用于解决谜题。

一旦你解决了岛上的第一个谜题,你就会得到一盏灯笼!灯笼将被放置在你的库存中,你可以按空格键打开它。你还会收到一条线索 - 一张纸,上面有如何到达下一个岛屿的说明。你可以按 X 或 K 查看线索。

当您有多个线索需要研究时,按 C 或 L 来更改您想要关注的线索。




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Rating Star4.3 / 5(409 投票)
Feb 14, 2025
Oct 28, 2024


In the foggy ocean, you come across an isle. Once you arrive on the isle, use the Arrow Keys or WASD to move. Press J or Z to interact with objects - some of these objects will provide a text description that hints at what you need to do next while others can be used to solve a puzzle.

Once you have solved the first puzzle on the isle, you'll retrieve a lantern! The lantern will be placed in your inventory, which you can open by pressing SPACE. You will also receive a clue - a piece of paper that has instructions on how to get to the next isle. You can press X or K to view the clue.

When you have multiple clues to go through, press C or L to change the clue you want to focus on.

When you're ready to go to the next island, hop back onto your boat. Follow the directions of the clues you've collected so far and should you do it right, you'll arrive at the next island safely!

HINT: There are three special lamps to find. Can you figure out what they do?

在雾蒙蒙的海洋中,你遇到了一个小岛。到达小岛后,使用箭头键或 WASD 移动。按 J 或 Z 与物体互动 - 其中一些物体会提供文字描述,提示你下一步需要做什么,而其他物体则可用于解决谜题。

一旦你解决了岛上的第一个谜题,你就会得到一盏灯笼!灯笼将被放置在你的库存中,你可以按空格键打开它。你还会收到一条线索 - 一张纸,上面有如何到达下一个岛屿的说明。你可以按 X 或 K 查看线索。

当您有多个线索需要研究时,按 C 或 L 来更改您想要关注的线索。



4.3 Rating Star