Deck the Halls

Rating Star4.2 / 5(791 Votes)
Feb 03, 2025
Dec 16, 2024


Press SPACE to start the game. Use the Arrow Keys or WASD to move. Your goal is to cover every tile in lights and then end on the socket to light them up! You want to reach the outlet last to power on the lights. In later levels, there can be more than one socket, so plan your moves carefully!

If you make a mistake, you can press Z to undo your last move. If you want to restart the level, press R.

Is the snow too distracting? Press Q to turn it off.

Press SPACE to start the game. Use the Arrow Keys or WASD to move. Your goal is to cover every tile in lights and then end on the socket to light them up! You want to reach the outlet last to power on the lights.

In later levels, there can be more than one socket. You only need to plug into one socket!

If you make a mistake, you can press Z to undo your last move. If you want to restart the level, press R.

Is the snow too distracting? Press Q to turn it off.

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star4.2 / 5(791 Votes)
Feb 03, 2025
Dec 16, 2024


Press SPACE to start the game. Use the Arrow Keys or WASD to move. Your goal is to cover every tile in lights and then end on the socket to light them up! You want to reach the outlet last to power on the lights. In later levels, there can be more than one socket, so plan your moves carefully!

If you make a mistake, you can press Z to undo your last move. If you want to restart the level, press R.

Is the snow too distracting? Press Q to turn it off.

Press SPACE to start the game. Use the Arrow Keys or WASD to move. Your goal is to cover every tile in lights and then end on the socket to light them up! You want to reach the outlet last to power on the lights.

In later levels, there can be more than one socket. You only need to plug into one socket!

If you make a mistake, you can press Z to undo your last move. If you want to restart the level, press R.

Is the snow too distracting? Press Q to turn it off.

4.2 Rating Star