Tiny Jukebox

Rating Star4.4 / 5(7,044 Votes)
Dec 11, 2024
Jan 05, 2023
Browser, Mobile


Since Leonie forgot how to play her songs, she's relying on you to help her out! There are 24 songs in total and each song lasts 10 seconds.

There are four arrows that'll appear. Press the Arrow Keys or use X, C, V, and B to press the arrows at the right time. If you miss an arrow or press a key too early, you'll lose one of your hearts. But if you finish a song with less than four hearts, a new heart will regenerate!

Can you play all the songs and be number one on the leaderboard?

Since Leonie forgot how to play her songs, she's relying on you to help her out! There are 24 songs in total and each song lasts 10 seconds.

There are four arrows that'll appear. Press the correct Arrow Key when it hits the outline to play that note. If you prefer, you can use X, C, V, and B instead. If you miss an arrow or press a key too early, you'll lose one of your hearts. But if you finish a song with less than four hearts, a new heart will regenerate!

Can you play all the songs and be number one on the leaderboard?

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star4.4 / 5(7,044 Votes)
Dec 11, 2024
Jan 05, 2023
Browser, Mobile


Since Leonie forgot how to play her songs, she's relying on you to help her out! There are 24 songs in total and each song lasts 10 seconds.

There are four arrows that'll appear. Press the Arrow Keys or use X, C, V, and B to press the arrows at the right time. If you miss an arrow or press a key too early, you'll lose one of your hearts. But if you finish a song with less than four hearts, a new heart will regenerate!

Can you play all the songs and be number one on the leaderboard?

Since Leonie forgot how to play her songs, she's relying on you to help her out! There are 24 songs in total and each song lasts 10 seconds.

There are four arrows that'll appear. Press the correct Arrow Key when it hits the outline to play that note. If you prefer, you can use X, C, V, and B instead. If you miss an arrow or press a key too early, you'll lose one of your hearts. But if you finish a song with less than four hearts, a new heart will regenerate!

Can you play all the songs and be number one on the leaderboard?

4.4 Rating Star