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Three Goblets
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Game content reviewed byAlex Feigenbaum
In battle, click to select the monster you wish to attack. Your hero automatically attacks monsters and collects their loot.
When you fall in battle, you'll return to town. Equip the best items to make yourself more powerful. Hold the SHIFT button and click to dismantle items that you don't want. When you dismantle enough items, you can craft new rewards from the forge.
Lastly, specialize your character with stats and custom talents that will change the way you play. Which ones are the best? There are multiple ways to build your character, so try a few different options and see what works best.
Good luck!
In battle, click to select the monster you wish to attack. Your hero automatically attacks monsters and collects their loot.
When you fall in battle, you'll return to town. Equip the best items to make yourself more powerful. Hold the SHIFT button and click to dismantle items that you don't want. When you dismantle enough items, you can craft new rewards from the forge.
Lastly, specialize your character with stats and custom talents that will change the way you play. Which ones are the best? There are multiple ways to build your character, so try a few different options and see what works best.
Good luck!
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Game content reviewed byAlex Feigenbaum
In battle, click to select the monster you wish to attack. Your hero automatically attacks monsters and collects their loot.
When you fall in battle, you'll return to town. Equip the best items to make yourself more powerful. Hold the SHIFT button and click to dismantle items that you don't want. When you dismantle enough items, you can craft new rewards from the forge.
Lastly, specialize your character with stats and custom talents that will change the way you play. Which ones are the best? There are multiple ways to build your character, so try a few different options and see what works best.
Good luck!
In battle, click to select the monster you wish to attack. Your hero automatically attacks monsters and collects their loot.
When you fall in battle, you'll return to town. Equip the best items to make yourself more powerful. Hold the SHIFT button and click to dismantle items that you don't want. When you dismantle enough items, you can craft new rewards from the forge.
Lastly, specialize your character with stats and custom talents that will change the way you play. Which ones are the best? There are multiple ways to build your character, so try a few different options and see what works best.
Good luck!