The Bee Way

Rating Star3.9 / 5(985 Votes)
Nov 22, 2022
Feb 25, 2015
Browser, Mobile


Click to place your bee on one of the start points, then carefully move your mouse to move the bee through the tunnel maze. If the bee touches a wall, you'll lose one of your three lives! Plan your path so that you can move your bee through all of the tunnels and collect all of the stars.

Click to place your bee on one of the start points, then carefully move your mouse to move the bee through the tunnel maze. If the bee touches a wall, you'll lose one of your three lives! Plan your path so that you can move your bee through all of the tunnels and collect all of the stars.

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star3.9 / 5(985 Votes)
Nov 22, 2022
Feb 25, 2015
Browser, Mobile


Click to place your bee on one of the start points, then carefully move your mouse to move the bee through the tunnel maze. If the bee touches a wall, you'll lose one of your three lives! Plan your path so that you can move your bee through all of the tunnels and collect all of the stars.

Click to place your bee on one of the start points, then carefully move your mouse to move the bee through the tunnel maze. If the bee touches a wall, you'll lose one of your three lives! Plan your path so that you can move your bee through all of the tunnels and collect all of the stars.

3.9 Rating Star