
Rating Star4.5 / 5(3,442 Votes)
Feb 06, 2023
Nov 22, 2021
Browser, Mobile


Use LEFT and RIGHT or A and D to move. Press UP or W to jump. Jump into the bottom of a box to collect it. When you have collected boxes, you can use them to make additional jumps. Jump while airborne to double jump and leave a box behind you.

If you get stuck, press R to restart the level.

TIP: Gather keys to get rid of those pesky locks.

Use LEFT and RIGHT or A and D to move. Press UP or W to jump. Jump into the bottom of a box to collect it. When you have collected boxes, you can use them to make additional jumps. Jump while airborne to double jump and leave a box behind you.

If you get stuck, press R to restart the level.

TIP: Gather keys to get rid of those pesky locks.

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star4.5 / 5(3,442 Votes)
Feb 06, 2023
Nov 22, 2021
Browser, Mobile


Use LEFT and RIGHT or A and D to move. Press UP or W to jump. Jump into the bottom of a box to collect it. When you have collected boxes, you can use them to make additional jumps. Jump while airborne to double jump and leave a box behind you.

If you get stuck, press R to restart the level.

TIP: Gather keys to get rid of those pesky locks.

Use LEFT and RIGHT or A and D to move. Press UP or W to jump. Jump into the bottom of a box to collect it. When you have collected boxes, you can use them to make additional jumps. Jump while airborne to double jump and leave a box behind you.

If you get stuck, press R to restart the level.

TIP: Gather keys to get rid of those pesky locks.

4.5 Rating Star