Plug the Plug

Rating Star4.4 / 5(5,642 Votes)
Dec 20, 2024
Apr 06, 2023
Browser, Mobile


Click on the plug and move your mouse to plug it in. Some blocks may need to be rotated to fit in, so Left Click or use A or D or the Arrow Keys to rotate the plug bar.

Your goal is to make sure every socket gets connected in the Plug the Plug game. Some blocks are different shapes, some can't rotate at all! Take note of the pink blocks that'll act as walls.

Click on a plug to pick it up, then click on an open socket to plug it in. Your goal is to make sure every socket gets connected in the Plug the Plug game.

Some plugs may need to be rotated to fit in. Left Click or use A or D or the Arrow Keys to rotate the plug bar.

Some plugs are different shapes, and some can't rotate at all! 

Is Plug the Plug a difficult game?

While Plug the Plug has a very simple concept, it is surprisingly difficult in the later levels. This is because there are tons of variables that up the difficulty of the game, including red blocks that prevent you from plugging in outlets in certain parts of the map, as well as yellow plugs that are unable to rotate. It is up to players to place the plugs in the correct spots that will create room for every single other plug. We promise that every single level is possible if you put the plugs in the correct outlets! Just make sure to take your time and put your mind to it. 

One of the key tips that we have if you are struggling with Plug the Plug is to start with the biggest plugs first. The smaller plugs are much easier to find spaces for, so saving those until the end of the level will usually make life a lot easier.

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star4.4 / 5(5,642 Votes)
Dec 20, 2024
Apr 06, 2023
Browser, Mobile


Click on the plug and move your mouse to plug it in. Some blocks may need to be rotated to fit in, so Left Click or use A or D or the Arrow Keys to rotate the plug bar.

Your goal is to make sure every socket gets connected in the Plug the Plug game. Some blocks are different shapes, some can't rotate at all! Take note of the pink blocks that'll act as walls.

Is Plug the Plug a difficult game?

While Plug the Plug has a very simple concept, it is surprisingly difficult in the later levels. This is because there are tons of variables that up the difficulty of the game, including red blocks that prevent you from plugging in outlets in certain parts of the map, as well as yellow plugs that are unable to rotate. It is up to players to place the plugs in the correct spots that will create room for every single other plug. We promise that every single level is possible if you put the plugs in the correct outlets! Just make sure to take your time and put your mind to it. 

One of the key tips that we have if you are struggling with Plug the Plug is to start with the biggest plugs first. The smaller plugs are much easier to find spaces for, so saving those until the end of the level will usually make life a lot easier.

Click on a plug to pick it up, then click on an open socket to plug it in. Your goal is to make sure every socket gets connected in the Plug the Plug game.

Some plugs may need to be rotated to fit in. Left Click or use A or D or the Arrow Keys to rotate the plug bar.

Some plugs are different shapes, and some can't rotate at all! 

4.4 Rating Star