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If Potato Meets Flag

Rating Star3.3 / 5(1,325 Votes)
Jul 14, 2023
Sep 20, 2021
Browser, Mobile


You set the rules on the left side of the screen. Click on an action at the bottom left corner of the screen and drag it to an empty box to create a script. Your scripts decide what happens in the game.

Sometimes you'll have to remove actions and put them back quickly. Whatever object is next to the skull icon becomes dangerous to touch. Keep changing the scripts until you fulfill the win condition.   

You set the rules on the left side of the screen. Click on an action at the bottom left corner of the screen and drag it to an empty box to create a script. Your scripts decide what happens in the game.

Sometimes you'll have to remove actions and put them back quickly. Whatever object is next to the skull icon becomes dangerous to touch. Keep changing the scripts until you fulfill the win condition.   

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star3.3 / 5(1,325 Votes)
Jul 14, 2023
Sep 20, 2021
Browser, Mobile


You set the rules on the left side of the screen. Click on an action at the bottom left corner of the screen and drag it to an empty box to create a script. Your scripts decide what happens in the game.

Sometimes you'll have to remove actions and put them back quickly. Whatever object is next to the skull icon becomes dangerous to touch. Keep changing the scripts until you fulfill the win condition.   

You set the rules on the left side of the screen. Click on an action at the bottom left corner of the screen and drag it to an empty box to create a script. Your scripts decide what happens in the game.

Sometimes you'll have to remove actions and put them back quickly. Whatever object is next to the skull icon becomes dangerous to touch. Keep changing the scripts until you fulfill the win condition.   

3.3 Rating Star