I Heard A Rumor

Rating Star4.1 / 5(2,889 Votes)
Feb 06, 2024
Jul 15, 2021
Browser, Mobile


Each rumor starts with one person. Use your mouse to draw a line to spread the rumor to another person, then keep going until everyone hears it. But you can't let your line cross over itself, so make sure to spread it in the correct order.

In later levels, some characters need to hear the rumor more than once before they believe it. You can see this from the number of diamonds next to their portrait.

Each rumor starts with one person. Use your mouse to draw a line to spread the rumor to another person, then keep going until everyone hears it. But you can't let your line cross over itself, so make sure to spread it in the correct order.

In later levels, some characters need to hear the rumor more than once before they believe it. You can see this from the number of diamonds next to their portrait.

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star4.1 / 5(2,889 Votes)
Feb 06, 2024
Jul 15, 2021
Browser, Mobile


Each rumor starts with one person. Use your mouse to draw a line to spread the rumor to another person, then keep going until everyone hears it. But you can't let your line cross over itself, so make sure to spread it in the correct order.

In later levels, some characters need to hear the rumor more than once before they believe it. You can see this from the number of diamonds next to their portrait.

Each rumor starts with one person. Use your mouse to draw a line to spread the rumor to another person, then keep going until everyone hears it. But you can't let your line cross over itself, so make sure to spread it in the correct order.

In later levels, some characters need to hear the rumor more than once before they believe it. You can see this from the number of diamonds next to their portrait.

4.1 Rating Star