
Rating Star4.5 / 5(8,252 Votes)
Jul 01, 2024
Apr 26, 2012


He's falling. You'll have to figure out the rest of Farafalla for yourself!

Note that this game is one big level and will NOT remember your progress. Some people solve it right away and others do not. (I did not!)

Most people will need to LEARN this game and MEMORIZE this game. You may even need to map this game out. Each time you play, you will get faster and more efficient. Then, you will WIN!

He's falling. You'll have to figure out the rest of Farafalla for yourself!

Note that this game is one big level and will NOT remember your progress. Some people solve it right away and others do not. (I did not!)

Most people will need to LEARN this game and MEMORIZE this game. You may even need to map this game out. Each time you play, you will get faster and more efficient. Then, you will WIN!

Game Progress

0 XP
Rating Star4.5 / 5(8,252 Votes)
Jul 01, 2024
Apr 26, 2012


He's falling. You'll have to figure out the rest of Farafalla for yourself!

Note that this game is one big level and will NOT remember your progress. Some people solve it right away and others do not. (I did not!)

Most people will need to LEARN this game and MEMORIZE this game. You may even need to map this game out. Each time you play, you will get faster and more efficient. Then, you will WIN!

He's falling. You'll have to figure out the rest of Farafalla for yourself!

Note that this game is one big level and will NOT remember your progress. Some people solve it right away and others do not. (I did not!)

Most people will need to LEARN this game and MEMORIZE this game. You may even need to map this game out. Each time you play, you will get faster and more efficient. Then, you will WIN!

4.5 Rating Star